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A Fast Ringworm Treatment & How To Prevent it

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A Fast Ringworm Treatment & How To Prevent it

Ringworm is a skin rash caused by a skin fungus that is typically itchy and circular in shape.

If that sounds like what you are experiencing, let's go over the best ringworm treatment.

We are going to cover all you should know about ringworm, either because this is the first time you get the stubborn fungus or you regularly suffer from it due to your environment, sports, or other activities.

I Have Ringworm Does It Mean I Have Worms?

Ringworm is not literally a worm, it's a fungus that thrives in a damp and warm environment.

What is Ringworm

What is ringworm

Ringworm is a skin infection that starts with mold, a fungus that lives on the dead tissue of your skin, scalp, hair, and nails.

You can get ringworm anywhere on your body.

Ringworm rash can be one of the worst rashes you can experience, leaving behind skin discoloration and scars if left untreated for too long.

Ringworm Types

Ringworm in the groin area (Jock Itch), because of the sensitive location and thin skin layer, ringworm in the groin area leaves the worst scarring behind.

When the ringworm skin infection happens on your feet, you have what we know as Athlete's Foot.

The common denominator symptom among this variation of ringworm fungi is the intense itching and burning sensation.

Ringworm Rash

Ringworm Rash

To the untrained eye, most rashes look alike and our first thought is the home remedy we saw on TikTok, which may help for a no fungal skin infection.

However, a skin rash from fungus needs to be treated with an antifungal product.

Not only to ease the irritating symptoms but to eliminate skin infection from the source, in this case, fungus.

Ringworm Symptoms

The first signs of ringworm are redness, an area of your body with a scaly appearance, or skin bumps that itch.

After scratching and carving the way for the fungus to penetrate the epidermis, the red patch or skin bumps will turn into a ring or circle shaped patch of skin.

Ringworm appearance can be either a single ring or multiple rings, the inside of the ring could be clear or scaly, and the outside can be slightly raised and bumpy.

The ringworm infection starts 4 to 14 days after being in contact with the ringworm fungi.

Face Ringworm Symptoms

Face Ringworm symptoms

  • Ring-shaped rash
  • Itching
  • Skin redness
  • Scaly, cracked skin
  • Hair loss

Athlete’s Foot Symptoms (tinea pedis) 

Feet Ringworm Symptoms

  • Red, swollen, peeling, itchy skin between the toes
  • Soles and heels may also be affected
  • The skin on the feet may blister in severe cases

Groin Ringworm (tinea cruris or “jock itch”):

Groin Ringworm

Scaly, itchy, red spots, usually on the inner sides of the skin folds of the thigh

Beard Ringworm (tinea barbae):

Beard Ringworm

  • Scaly, itchy, red spots on the chin, cheeks, and upper neck
  • Spots can become crusted over or filled with pus
  • Affected hair may fall out

Ringworm In The Scalp

Ringworm In The Scalp

Tends to start as a bump on your scalp or small sore, is possible it can turn flaky or scaly, and tender to the touch.

Scalp ringworm causes hair loss in the affected area, your hair will start to fall out in patches making the scalp sore more noticeable.

  • Scalp (tinea capitis):
  • Scaly, itchy, red, circular bald spot
  • The bald spot may expand in size and several spots could develop if the infection spreads

How Do You Contract Ringworm?

Ringworm is most often spread by direct skin-to-skin contact with a person infected with ringworm.

Animal-to-human cross-infection is also a common ringworm cause, you can get infected with ringworm just by touching an animal infected with ringworm.

How do you contract Ringworm?

Petting zoos during the summer are ground zero for ringworm skin infections, as they thrive in warm places with high humidity.

Public showers, locker rooms, and pool areas are also a threat.

Ringworm infection can also originate from minor injuries like a scratch.

Exposure to too much heat and humidity can provide the perfect incubator-like environment for the ringworm fungi to thrive.

How Is Ringworm Diagnosed?

Ringworm can be diagnosed with a physical examination of the infected skin area.

How Is Ringworm Diagnosed?

The doctor will have to take a sample of the infected skin and send it to a lab for an examination process called fungi cultivation.

At times, doctors just go straight to recommending an over-the-counter prescription to treat a ringworm skin infection, their reasoning is that by the time the fungus cultivation is completed (3-4 days), the ringworm infection could already be treated.

That's why for the most part, doctors usually just take a visual confirmation and then prescribe treatment right away.

Ringworm treatment

Proper ringworm treatment depends completely on where in the body the fungal skin infection is present.

Treating Ringworm in the Groin Area

Treating jock itch involves an over the counter antifungal medication.

It is also recommended that you wear dry and roomy bottoms to avoid a build up of fungal bacteria If you experience recurring jock itch infections you may require a systemic antifungal therapy.

Treat Ringworm on the Feet

Athletes' Foot treatment involves a potent antifungal treatment cream that is applied to your feet.

Treat Ringworm on the Feet

You can also use foot powder to keep your feet dry, preventing the skin from softening and cracking.

In the presence of a stubborn athlete's foot infection, oral antifungals may actually be required.

Ideally, avoid the oral antifungals to maintain high functioning gut health.

An oral treatment will wipe all bacteria including the microbiome, which is essential for our gut health.

How To Prevent a Ringworm Skin Infection?

Ringworm can often be prevented. It’s all about hygiene, yes personal hygiene but also environmental hygiene, let me explain.

Keep your skin clean and dry, don't be afraid to apply moisturizer but remember, like with anything in skincare… less is more.

  • Wash and cleanse your skin daily, particularly after sweaty activities or swimming, make sure to dry completely, the groin area and between your toes.
  • Use clean towels and avoid sharing items like clothing towels, hats, brushes, and socks Wash uniforms and sports gear often.
  • Don't share sports gear unless you absolutely have to. If so, make sure to wash them before using them.
  • Avoid tight clothes and change underclothes every day Wash your hands after petting or playing with any pet, do not rub your eye, or scratch your skin or head.
  • Share these tips with your kids to ensure they have a happy summertime and that their fun is not interrupted by a ringworm skin infection.

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